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Summer Fun Blog Train Leaving
All Aboard the Train 1 Staple 1 Sun 3 Bows 3 Clips 3 Glitter Flowers 3 Button Flowers 4 Glitter Bugs 4 Tags 4 Beach balls 4 Beaded Hearts 5 Beads 5 Ribbon Bows 5 Butterflies 5 Frames 5 Papers 5 Ric rac's 5 Sail boat Ribbons 5 Sand Castles 5 Stiches 5 Surfboards 7 Wordart You can pick it up here Here are all the train stops for this train. Don't forget to leave some love and remember we aren't all on the same time zone. Happy Scrappin'!! 1. Xelaxel http://xelaxscrapfree.blogspot.com/ 2. Kaz - http://scrapbookingautism.blogspot.com/ 3. Tyger - (aka Blog Train Ho) http://tygerstidbits.blogspot.com/ 4. Robin - http://digiscrapsdezines.blogspot.com/ 5. Lisa - http://lisabitsandbites.blogspot.com/ 6. Lisa - http://lisasdesigns.blogspot.com/ 7. Sassy - http://sassysimagination.blogspot.com/ 8. Brat - http://specialmooniebrat.blogspot.com/ YOU ARE HERE 9. Jen - http://girlfrienddesignz.blogspot.com/ 10. Foxy - http://foxyladycreation.blogspot.com/ 11. Colleen - http://creative...
Winter Holiday Blues
Well the members at Scrapbook4Fun have kicked off another kit.. You can check out the blog http://scrapbookin4fun.blogspot.com/ for more freebies.. In the meantime, here is mine.. You can pick it up here .. The kits contains: 20 Papers 2 sets of Alphabets 9 Word Art 138 Elements Happy Holidays!! Brat