Lack of motivation

Seems like forever since I was in the mood to create something special.
With all the deaths that have came to my family in a year, I have tried to create something but, I find myself to numb to do so.

Last year (2016) on Thanksgiving, My Grandmother passed away. I pretty much lost it when my grandmother passed.. Couldn't do anything but work. My creative went down the toilet.

 Grandpa Cliff passed away sometime around Christmas last year and then 2017 brought me more families passing. 

Lost my Uncle Roy to cancer, beginning of 2017.

I was hoping to have a wonderful year this year, without any deaths, but I was wrong.
Because only God picks the best to take home with him..

Thanksgiving this year, was finally looking up.. 6 days later, My cousin and a 4 year old child she was babysitting died, in a horrible house fire. 

I am stunned and shocked. Why? How did this happen? Why her? 

It was her 23rd Birthday, and she went home to be with with God.
She was a Mother of 3 children, she was a sister to 1 sister and 3 brothers.

On the news
I was very shocked when I was told of the manner in which she was found. She was found, protecting the 4 year old child that she was babysitting. Not to mention the way the house was. There was no electric in the home, the child's father had ran extension cords to his neighbors home so he could have electricity. Then we were told that the house had been board up, and the bedroom she was sleeping in had been board up and locked on the outside of it, as well when they found her. The neighbor tried to get into the house to save her, but he got burned in the process, the neighbors said all they heard was my cousin Therese screaming for help.

Nothing makes me more mad than knowing that my cousin and a 4 year old child suffered a terrible death.

I have questions, I have a lot of unanswered questions about this whole thing..

 1. What kind of father would ALLOW his child to stay in a home with boards up all around it?? That house wasn't safe for her or my cousin period.. 

2. Why would you steal your neighbors power just so you could have lights?? Apparently if the house was boarded up, it was boarded up for a reason.

3. Did the father happen to install some smoke detectors in the home? 

So many unanswered questions.. I would like to contact the father, but I am just only a cousin. I am not her parents. She will never be forgotten as my family are trying to find Justice for her.

I miss her terribly. She would posted the funniest things on her social media. Whether it be about the day she was having, her beautiful babies or just anything. If I was having a bad day, all I had to do was read something she posted and my day turned as beautiful as she was..

RIP Baby Girl..


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