Working on Christmas Kit

Well it has been one of those week. I had just about finished up my Christmas Freebie, when the 300gb hard drive in my puter bit the dust. Along with loosing everything else on it.
So I started fresh.
My Wonderful Mom sent me a picture of her Cousin Jerries GrandDaughter an asked me if I would kindly get rid of the legs in the picture, lol.. as funny as it was, i took and did just that.

Then tonight I was working on my Christmas Scrp kit when I decided to do a Layout, I guess this what you would call it, or maybe they have a different name for it anyway. I thought, wow I dont have any pictures. So I opened up the picture that my mom sent and here is what I done with it.

The layout will come with the Christmas Scrap Kit as soon as I release it in November sometime..

**Hugzz Brat**


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